Epic Graphic Novels and Books
The stories and art this site showcases are the are SOLE creations of
Robert Hernandez
Robert Hernandez

Creator Notes;
All my stories are presented here, FREE, in their ENTIRETY. I provide links to Amazon, Apple, Kono, etc... as a convenience for folks who like reading digital media with their favorite book App. I uploaded the stories and charged as little as I was allowed.... Because I want them devoured by an ocean of humans!
Your task is to read, and enjoy them... or not. Either way, I want to know what you think. If my work stirred any response, I would appreciate a comment, review, email, smoke signal... in any form you find entertaining.
- Robert
All my stories are presented here, FREE, in their ENTIRETY. I provide links to Amazon, Apple, Kono, etc... as a convenience for folks who like reading digital media with their favorite book App. I uploaded the stories and charged as little as I was allowed.... Because I want them devoured by an ocean of humans!
Your task is to read, and enjoy them... or not. Either way, I want to know what you think. If my work stirred any response, I would appreciate a comment, review, email, smoke signal... in any form you find entertaining.
- Robert